Yeah, I haven’t been out very much in the past year and change. But I’ve always enjoyed going to the airport. Airports always remind me of adventure and exotic places.

(Also giant sunglasses, I guess?)
So early March 2020, my brother flew in to Sky Harbor International Airport, as we were holding a small memorial service to inter my father’s ashes. COVID was starting to catch the attention of normal people, not just super-cautious people like me. (I remember hearing about the 1918 flu in college–on TV, not even in class!–and being absolutely baffled and horrified that I’d never heard of it before!)
Despite the impending pandemic, I still gladly offered to pick up my brother from the airport that evening. He (reasonably) suggested that I could wait in the cell phone lot or even the parking garage instead of exposing myself to people, but I (reasonably) figured that this might be my last chance to get to an airport for a while.
Also, he was flying into Terminal 3, which I didn’t remember ever visiting. (I always fly Southwest, which uses Terminal 4, so that one’s less exciting to me)
I don’t remember if his flight was delayed or if I was just ridiculously early. (Getting early to the airport is a trait I picked up from my dad.) But anyway, I had some time to explore the airport, which was surprisingly busy at 11:00 on a Thursday night!

I suppose I’m showing my age by admitting this, but when I was a kid, we had a cat who adopted us, who we creatively called “Kitty.” We always wanted to give him a real name, but nothing stuck. One of the proposals was “Kitty Perot” becuase he couldn’t decide whether he wanted in or out.
Oh right, I guess you probably want to see the cat. I got you. Enjoy these poor-quality vintage pictures.

OK, back to the airport!

I just thought this was lovely!
Anyway, literally the next week after my brother’s whirlwind trip, various travel restrictions started. I feel like God kindly had us hold the interment/memorial exactly when we did so that we could see my brother right before lockdowns started.
I love how God’s timing has always worked out in my life! But I can’t wait until I get to go to the airport for fun again.