Revisiting what makes me a “discovery writer” instead of a “pantser”

Yes, I talked about it last month, but I was thinking again about the term “pantser” being used for a writer who does not have a solid outline in advance of writing. Many authors seem to embrace that term, but it’s always rubbed me the wrong way. I think I figured out another reason why …

Sailing from New York to Ireland in 1912

Anyone who knows much about the Titanic (or who ever saw a cinematic or television portrayal) probably knows there were quite a few Irish immigrants. The ship’s last port of call before heading to New York was Queenstown, Ireland (now Cobh). Titanicstories on YouTube has a nice (though sad) video showing some of the sights …

Tiny Coney Island – EnterTRAINment Junction

I love pretty much any place named Coney Island. So when I visited EnterTRAINment Junction (fall 2019), I was thrilled to hear they had a miniature Coney Island display! (Themed to Cincinnati’s Coney Island in 1965.) The most famous Coney Island is the one in New York City, but many cities built their own parks …

The New York Sun’s Report of Titanic on April 15, 1912

By the time the April 15, 1912 edition of the New York Sun reached its readers, the Titanic was at the bottom of the sea. I was surprised that, the newspaper reported not only the Titanic being struck by an iceberg, but also that oceanliner Niagara was struck! LINER NIAGARA, HIT BY ICE, CALLS HELP …

News stories from around the time of Titanic’s Voyage – April 14, 1912

At 11:40 p.m. on April 14, 1912, the Titanic struck the iceberg which would sink her less than three hours later. What did the New York Sun report the morning before the sinking? Readers from yesterday may be relieved that ten-month-old Ruth Fleischman was found safe and sound and restored to her parents. The kidnapper …